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We Build Alaska

The Alaska Stalker – March 22, 2022

Welcome to this edition of the Alaska Stalker, a lighthearted round up of the best and worst of Alaska’s social media landscape.


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I thought it best to take a few days to reflect on the political career and life of Congressman Don Young. It has been fascinating reading via social media the impact Don Young had on the lives of so many Alaskans. It has been difficult to keep up with all the posts about him. ADN had a solid round up. Here are a few posts I saw that you may not have seen, and some you have. It’s hard to believe he’s gone. What a life.
Cale Green posted this lovely video.


So many wonderful stories, even from unlikely sources.

I particularly enjoyed seeing everyone’s photos from the past.

While Rep. Harriet Drummond was the first person I saw to talk about naming (or renaming) something in honor of Congressman Young…

It may very well be the Port and not the Glenn that gets the honor.

It was only a matter of time until politics seeped into the mix. Gubernatorial candidate Les Gara felt the need to clarify he is in fact NOT running for the seat. Glad to see he dropped the Cra Cra in the now edited post.


I meant that in more ways than one. 👇😮

And there it is… Hold on to your hats, folks. Things are about to get wild.

We all grieve in our own way. 🤨

While all of us “knew” Don, I think it’s important to realize and respect the loss that countless people in our community are experiencing right now. My heart goes out to all of Congressman Young’s family and friends.

Grief is fickle. While it’s wise to think before you post, I’m also a firm believer in giving folks a bit of a pass during times of loss. Wow.

I’m also a firm believer in calling people out. Never thought I’d see the day Jeff Landfield was featured in Save Anchorage. Absolutely savage.

In other musings, St. Patrick’s Day was last week, and the McCaucus showed up in spades shamrocks. ☘️


Glad to see things are finally returning to “normal” at the Capitol. A St. Patrick’s Day celebration is a great start.

Not in the House
Not with a grouse
Neither here nor there
Not anywhere!
I do not like green eggs and ham
I do not like them Ken-I-am.

I appreciate that Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson wore a green tie on St. Patrick’s day. But, I have concerns. It appears that Dave Bronson, a grown man who is mayor of Alaska’s largest city, not only owns but wears with pride a “Larry the Cucumber” VeggiesTales tie. And on official municipal business. Is this tie part of his regular rotation?! 👀🥒  


Just a heads up… If Sen. Kawasaki ever sponsors a bill regarding moose domestication, you read it here first.

OMG! Troll level 💯.

Get back to work, Rep. Cronk! LOL!!! HAC gonna SAC.

Meanwhile in Anchorage, local School Board member Andy Holleman has a fantastic math word problem for all of us to ponder. LOOSE. 😬

Of course, for Sen. Robb Myers, the equation pencils a little different. 💸💸💸

Not sure how much it costs Rep. Gillham to fill up his dream ride, but pretty sure Ron’s still holding out for that full PFD.

Please tell me Lt. Governor candidate Edie Grunwald is going to pull this ole gal out of retirement. 🙏🙏🙏

Last week was also “Pi Day” on 3/14. I plan on making Sen. Kawasaki’s key lime pie ASAP. You bet I’ll be following his recipe to the letter – including having it for breakfast! 😋

Anchorage Assembly member Meg Zaletel had a Pi Day themed fundraiser for her campaign. I couldn’t resist posting a photo of #1 Landmine fan Mackenzie Pope and her delectable looking chess pie. Thank you Mackenzie for your consistent support on social media of partly-women owned businesses like the Alaska Landmine. I couldn’t do it without you! 😘

On second thought, it’s a good thing I was unable to put in a bid. The Alaska Stalker is currently nursing, and thus abstaining from all drugs. I’m just glad they put out a warning there was “bud” on Mackenzie’s classic chess pie. I sure hope the only visible bidder, Downtown Anchorage Assembly candidate Dr. Daniel Volland, was aware. 🙃😵

Check out the back side of this amazing pro-Zaletel Putting Alaskan’s First Committee mailer. I remember February in Anchorage. It was awful. I seriously considered entering Kelly Tshibaka’s contest to go to Mar-A-Lago just to have a chance to get the heck out of here! 😂⛱️😎 This is easily my favorite mailer so far in what’s been a fairly boring election season. Did I miss something better? Don’t forget to send it my way!

Speaking of the Assembly races, ballots have arrived and things are getting a little weird in Eagle River. Has someone’s baldness ever been a cornerstone of their campaign before? 👨‍🦲🍻

She’s good.

What in tarnation????? I’d rather eat Rep. McCarty’s green eggs and ham. 🤢

OMG! Is that a Forrest cameo in Assembly member Kameron Perez-Verdia’s campaign ad???

Oh look, South Anchorage Assembly candidate Randy Sulte has his own mini Freedom Convoy.

My sides ached after reading this. I still get the giggles weeks later. I don’t know Peggy personally, but bless her. 😂😂😂 I bet money Landmine Editor-In-Chief Jeff Landfield would LOVE to sign up to be a P-O-L-E watcher. As for the pole class? Oh, he’s ALL IN. I sure hope its BYOS – bring your own speedo.

Hands down the best news of the week. Do I spy an updated (yet still true to her mustard yellow roots) blazer? And on my birthday, too. I am emotional. 💛💛💛


Some weeks have more material than others. JUDY!!!! 🤣🤣🤣

I didn’t realize until last week that I needed “dancing with my spouse at Gumbo House after a long day of going door-to-door” on my Anchorage bucket list. Some day I hope to know Cliff Groh! 💃


Overheard in Anchorage: “Alyse is running for House and Al Gross is rumored to be running for Congress. It’s like 2020 all over again except everyone’s adjusted their career goals downward.”


Overheard at legislative bowling: “I wish they cared about the PFD as much as they do about child marriage.”

Overheard in Downtown Anchorage: “Do you think the Kobuk has stopped selling their famous Russian tea yet?”


Spotted in Anchorage: Not a joke: “Les Gara is at the Alliance’s Green Energy pub event trying to put his literature on the tables. Yes, Rebecca Logan’s Alliance.”


Overheard: “I cannot believe Natasha von Imhof is on TikTok.”

Overheard in Anchorage: “I would vote for anyone from Huhnkie Lee to Christopher Kurka if they could actually do anything to abolish daylight saving time in Alaska. I’m still recovering.”

Spotted in Fairbanks: 😳


The Alaska Stalker was born and raised in Alaska. She lives in South Anchorage with her husband and three kids five and under. She is not Jeff Landfield.

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Some guy
2 years ago

I was worried I lost the most entertaining part of the landmine when your article wasn’t published as usual. Phew!

Alaska Stalker
2 years ago
Reply to  Some guy

Thank you! Timing didn’t feel right on Saturday with the death of Congressman Young, so I held it a couple days. Feels okay to laugh again.

Tired Mama
2 years ago

I’m just gonna call it. I don’t think you’re really gonna make that pie. 🥧 🤣 And bc I was deeply concerned: “How can a pie with eggs be no-bake, you ask? As the pie chills in the refrigerator, the acid in the lime juice coagulates the egg proteins, “cooking” them and causing the filling to set up.”-random internet site