On October 5, members of the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) Anchorage met at Anchorage’s Town Square Park to commemorate the anniversary of the October 7 terrorist attack by Hamas against Israel, which resulted in the mass rape, torture, killing, and abduction of over 1,400 people. PSL Anchorage has previously announced its support for the October 7 attack, calling it a “historic new counteroffensive” by the “Palestinian resistance.”

In an invitation for today’s event, PSL Anchorage stated that “Zionism’s time has wanted, is waning, and is on the road to a humiliated defeat,” and called for attendees to honor Palestinian “martyrs.”
At Town Square Park, members of PSL Anchorage met to share pizza, chant, and wave at passing vehicles. Several times, a leader with a megaphone initiated a call-and-response chant of “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” a phrase widely interpreted by Israelis and members of the Jewish community as a call to destroy the state of Israel and remove its Jewish population.

Alaska Landmine Editor-in-Chief Jeff Landfield counter-protested at the event, using a megaphone to play a siren sound and allege to passers-by that PSL Anchorage supports terrorists. PSL Anchorage leader Michael Patterson and another individual approached Landfield and initiated a tense argument, before retreating to the PSL group.

The Landmine approached one attendee, who was waving a large Palestinian flag while yelling “Death to all Zionists!” to ask him whether he meant it literally.
“Absolutely,” he said, “That way we can have peace on the planet.”
“If all Zionists are killed?” the Landmine asked.
“Absolutely,” he said.

Photos by Paxson Woelber. All photos are available for free public download and use via the Alaska Landmine’s Flickr page.
Update: On social media and elsewhere, accounts purportedly belonging to PSL Anchorage leaders claimed that the Landmine had not spoken to anyone at the event and that nobody had chanted “Death to all Zionists.” Below is the full audio of our conversation with a PSL Anchorage event protester explaining the “Death to all Zionists” chant. The Landmine reaffirms that “Death to all Zionists” was yelled loudly and repeatedly in Town Square Park as part of the protest organized by PSL Anchorage, and stands by the accuracy of our reporting.
Anybody know how to start a GoFundMe for the PSL? Seems like they really need pagers. Yep, a whole bunch of new pagers.
Dark times call for dark humor, I suppose. Take your +.
Let’s get them some walkie-talkies while we are at it.
Holy fucking what the fuck is wrong with these PSL people. I did not think anyone really thought this kind of thing in Anchorage. Or at least, if they did, that they would know it’s not socially acceptable to air it. It is enraging but also just very sad that we are at this place, here in Alaska, in 2024.
Apparently, it is socially acceptable to fund those who commit genocide in an outburst of religious zealotry. From the river to the sea – this is the theme song of zionists. Indeed Benny N has no problem showing this plan to the world when he stands with maps of his imperialist vision. The slaughter in Palestine could be over in an hour. One phone call from an American President threatening to end the funding… Israel is the greatest terrorist organisation in the Near East. But, no need to send apartment blocks crashing down to smother 40,000 women and children under… Read more »
Eastman, You support Raping for sovereignty? Burning houses till families crawl out a window and pile up youngest to oldest with the hope the Palestinian bullets don’t make through to the soon to be orphaned toddlers? You support Hezbollah missile attacks on soccer fields of kids? Palestines getting on commuter trains and slaughtering passengers? Jewish Community centers in Argentina being blown up? I get it, war sux, but Israel did not start this war, nor any of the others…their neighbors did. I get you think (?) Jews should just allow their families to be raped and slaughtered, cause a dead… Read more »
perhaps you are referring to the acts committed by the Jewish terrorists in the West Bank, Palestine, international criminals saccaharin-ly labeled “settlers”, in their attacks on Palestinian farmers headed home with their flocks, their destruction of crops and ancient olive trees, their apartheid appropriation and exclusive access to roads and access, beatings, random shooting , hijackings, burning and looting of entire native villages, and racist hate/filled rhetoric. If you are in fact including those continuing outrages committed by Israeli terrorists then I certainly can answer you that, no. I do not support Raping, burning, looting, murder of women and children,… Read more »
The PSL has made it very clear they support Hamas and the slaughter and rape of Jewish kids. Michael Eastman We know what u are, so why deny that you hate Jews?
I never feel the least compulsion to justify myself to drunks. Drunk on whisky. Or drunk on anger and hate. I also avoid their nasty spew
Zionist is coded speak for Jew
Anti-Zionist = Jew Hater
Calling me and other names does not change the fact that you are a Jew hater advocating for violence against Jews.
A war started by some of the most violent, women, children and baby killers on the planet. They are being decimated, terrorist by terrorist including their terrorist leaders.
Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth (thereligionofpeace.com)
Thankfully they are just a small, fringe, dingbat, wanna-be terrorists calling for the deaths of innocents!
Ahh. The screeching dingbat has entered the forum.
As soon as you can control your breathing
try education.
and… therapy? meditation?
Antisemitism has always existed and probably always will, but certain circumstances make antisemites believe that their hatred is acceptable, or even valued, and that is when they show it proudly to the world. Those behind PSL Anchorage believed that October 7 was license to hate Jews again and so they did. But their belief that killing Jews was good and righteous obviously long predated that event.
The fact that there are so very few of them, in a city of 300,000, is to me an encouraging sign. It shouldn’t be ignored any more than 12 neonazis should be ignored, but it’s good to point out what a fringe and clownshoes movement this
Wow, you’re really triggered by these cats
At least Anchorage’s antisemites have the decency to out themselves
Thnx Jeff for facing off against these Jew haters. We need be villigent.
I don’t know anything about these people, I’m just looking for people who are thinking the way I am about what is happening in Gaza the genocide being committed by Israel, and holding them to account. I also know the propaganda is alive and well right here in Anchorage, so the fact of the journalist might twist what was said or purposely pick out somebody and talk to somebody that they knew was going to give them just exactly what they wanted, that wouldn’t surprise me. I’m not saying that happened but it wouldn’t surprise me. Since October 7 of… Read more »
Thankfully it looks like less than 20 people.
Well Angela may be in Anchorage, but all across the planet there are millions of people who are not going to tolerate this shit that Israel is calling. We will not tolerate it. And we will not tolerate a government a president, who condones this and that’s exactly what happened. That’s the most disgusting part for me, I thought my country with jump in there and tell Israel stop killing those people stop slaughtering those civilians, oh no no that’s not what happened at all. I find out that my country is saying here here or more billions of dollars… Read more »
So, what these terrorists did 1 year ago, slaughtering, unarmed, non-combatant, civilian, men, women, children, and even babies, is OK with you? You’re as bad as they are! https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/index.aspx
Bottom line 20 people
Next time you hear someone accuse Jeff Landfield of being a journalist, remind them of this article.
An article about 9 powerless asses making fools of themselves in a city park, one of them named Jeff.
And yet here you are, spewing out your verbal vomit again. If you are so against Jeff Landfield, why do you keep coming back for more. You leftist retards never cease to amaze…
Dan, I’ve respected you before. Would you oppose coverage of a march of 9 Neo-Nazis?
If your nine neo-Nazis had previously been covered fully?
And their stupid, evil message remained unchanged?
And there had been no noticeable new impact from their latest impotent self-debasement?
Yes, of course.
I think you understand me now.
News media makes a choice when they decide which voices to platform in support and opposition of an issue.
Is PSL representative of the median anti-zionist voice? If not, why are they the only platformed voice in this blog?
Translation: median anti-zionist = median Jew Hater.
I am (actually) Jewish and, depending on the definition, am anti-Zionist. PSL is a clownshoes organization but the median anti-Zionist position on Israel is far saner than their antics.
People who show up to protest things are never going to represent the “median” on any view, but that doesn’t mean protests shouldn’t be covered. It’s especially important for people to know when someone in their community is calling for violence, whether that is the mass murder of Zionists (as in this case) or any other type of violence against any other group.
I decided to photograph this event because PSL Anchorage has become a visible part of the Anchorage political scene. It’s important for people to know who they are, what they do, and what they stand for.
PSL Anchorage is only “visible” because Alaska Landmine is casting a bright light on these 8 powerless, irrelevant jackasses.
Alaska has MUCH larger groups of POWERFUL, well-connected jackasses to cover:
Alaska Landmine?
Just out of curiosity how many of those groups on your list are calling for the wholesale slaughter of another group of people?
Each of them.
They’re just more guarded or circumspect in their language than the powerless fools of PSL Anchorage.
And Alaska Landmine can only handle the smallest, dumbest, and weakest targets.
Dan, Maybe you can help explain the juxtaposition to me. You clearly have a problem with media making PSL “visible” while they are on the street corner shouting and carrying signs, explaining their hatred in the open. But you also seem to have a problem with the groups in your list for being “guarded or circumspect in their language”. So do you want to cover up the spoken and printed words of those who are calling for the wholesale slaughter of another group of people, or do you want to be complicit in the hiding away and keeping hidden the… Read more »
Journalists report on forces that have the potential to impact on our world.
Not powerless jackasses that couldn’t field a softball team if we spotted them a catcher, shortstop, and right fielder. Powerless jackasses ike PSL Anchorage.
Impotent idiots who will never attain the lofty perches Anchorage that local fools like Dustin Darden, Nick Danger, and Theresa Obermeyer ultimately attained.
Journalists focus on what matters.
Paxson you’re a liar. Neither you or Jeff actually spoke to anyone or interviewed anyone from PSL. This article is a fabrication. You and Jeff showed up and tried to pick a fight with us and then got your feelings hurt. You’re right we protested the genocide that is being committed by Israel. No one called for violence if anything we called for an end to the regional war. You’re a hack and a fake journalist. You don’t have agree with what PSL stands for but stop pretending that you’re not biased. You’re a joke.
We did speak to a PSL Anchorage protester to ask about the meaning of the “Death to all Zionists” chant. We have published the audio of that conversation at the below link. We stand by the accuracy of our reporting.
Patterson obviously didn’t know you had audio. In addition to supporting terrorism, he’s just a sad, angry liar.
I think it’s clear I am the opposite of a Jeff Landfield fan, and vice versa, but Michael Patterson is among the worst people I’ve encountered in Alaska politics. “Lying-ass Marxist” is actually an accurate phrases.
These PSL please support Lafrance lunatics infuriate me.
So you let those 8 powerless jackasses win.
Congrats to them!
The PSL people don’t support LaFrance. They actually showed up to her inauguration and spoke over it with a megaphone, making it impossible to hear what LaFrance was saying (LaFrance, in a cringey act of self-abasement, actually thanked them for exercising their “freedom of speech”).
Anyway, I don’t think the PSL people like Suzanne very much. They see her as head of some kind of Orwellian police state. And of course Michael Patterson sees himself as Alaska’s Brave White Savior.
He says he’s an “organizer of color.”
I actually respect LaFrance for recognizing the free speech of these losers. How it works.
They are a bunch of gullible suckers who have fallen for an old Soviet psyop from 1948
The Soviets were pro-Israel in 1948, but aggressively developed anti-Zionist rhetoric the moment they decided it was in their interests to oppose Israel.
Just a bunch of malcontents, mentally ill few that just want everything given to them that think everything should be given to them without work.
BTW Israel should turn Palestinian into a sheet of glass!
Anyone who has ever met Michael Patterson knows he is an unwell person with a savior complex and serious anger management issues. I’m not surprised in the least that they were calling for the killing of Jews. And that’s what they’re willing to say in public. Imagine what they say in private.
Read his Twitter posts. They are rambling, incoherent, full of misspellings and jibberish. He strikes me as a disturbed White Savior type, whose anger is a magnet for others with broken lives.
He calls himself an “organizer of color” and is impossible to work with. Absolutely the worst political mistake I’ve ever made was trying to do so.
Patterson is the EPITOME of a white man with a pathological victim complex who finds out through genealogical research that he is 1/16 minority, and then goes all-in on a new identity in the most cringey way possible. The guy is whiter than new hospital bed sheets. I mean he can identify however he likes but we have every right in the world to laugh at him too. If he finds out he’s 1/64 Native he’ll be disrupting the next Assembly meeting in full tribal regalia while actual Native people grimace and shake their heads. He’s just a total antisemitic… Read more »
I have now read this article, listened to the audio of the PSL event attendee calling for Jew-killing, and read the dozens of angry, rambling Twitter posts by PSL’s “we don’t have leaders but we’re the leaders” Michael Patterson and Cynthia Gachupin. Patterson and Gachupin have tried to distance themselves from the audio (first claiming it never happened, then saying they don’t know the guy) but they have never ONCE claimed that they didn’t support the October 7 massacre of Jews. They have never ONCE backtracked from their own description of their event, which was to celebrate the “humiliated defeat”… Read more »
Patterson has never actually stated that he or PSL disagree with the “Death to all Zionists” chant either. He’s just angry that this was reported on, but seems to be fine with it having happened. No shock there.
Let me break this down for you. On Oct 7, Michael Patterson watched Palestinians gunning down Israeli kids at a music festival and he exploded with pride. He saw the mass rapes, the torture. This was all so good, so exciting! The Historic New Counteroffensive had arrived! There would be so much more torture, so much more rape, so much more Jew-killing. He was ecstatic and took to Twitter. It was time to announce to the whole world that PSL Anchorage supported the daring attack. Surely the whole world would rally to the cause! Israel’s days were surely numbered! But… Read more »
You are gifting Patterson the attention he craves.
He’s a powerless loser. But you are making him feel important.
Do you feel this way about reporting on Dustin Darden or Heather Herndon or other fringe right wing assholes?
Landfield is an absolute hypocrite here—he refused to cover eg Eastman’s antics for years on the grounds that attention was what he wanted (true enough) but goes out of his way to cover a group of a dozen clowns who will never achieve elective office. But he’s not wrong to cover them, either
Not if they do something of consequence, no.
PSL’s pathetic rally last week was not news. It was just a further impotent demonstration of everything we already knew about that awful organization.
But they’re a fish in a barrel, and Alaska Landmine has stopped challenging consequential targets.
I believe there was a former legislative staffer in that protest. That should have been pointed out in the article if true. We don’t need any more antisemites in government.
No no, Jeff, you misunderstood. Michael Patterson was just holding an early funeral for his hero Yahya Sinwar.