Welcome to this edition of the Alaska Stalker, a lighthearted round up of the best and worst of Alaska’s social media landscape.
If you enjoy the Alaska Stalker, please consider supporting working moms like me by sending in hot tips, overheards, and spotted ins. You can reach me at akstalker@alaskalandmine.com. As always, thanks for reading.
Anyone else still digging out after all the snow this week? Legislators, they’re just like us! Perhaps Rep. Kaufman can get some snow and ice scraping tips from U.S. Senate candidate Kelly Tshibaka.
You all saw her recent video, right? Imagine having a three car garage but parking outside to “own the libs.” 🥶🤡
While hardworking Alaskans worry about jobs and the failing Biden economy, Joe Biden’s Chief Enabling Officer Liberal Lisa was in Scotland at the sham climate conference that is hellbent on killing our energy jobs. I hope Lisa enjoyed the Scottish castles with Liberal Elites! pic.twitter.com/krZP2Xxt6k
— Kelly Tshibaka (@KellyForAlaska) November 10, 2021
It’s good to see the snow hasn’t stopped Rep. Nelson from getting out and knocking on doors. Wait a minute, are those roads plowed??? 🧐 I don’t even think the busiest intersection in town – Seward Highway and 36th – is plowed yet. Impressive.
Down on the Peninsula, Peter has retired his beloved giant chainsaw for winter, only to replace it with an enormous shovel. I was laughing until I looked closer and…. wait, are those SOAKING WET SPOTS ON HIS JEANS?!?!?! 😱 I love that he is spending such epic quality time with his daughter (who I cropped out b/c this is on his personal page) but come on man, get some snow pants!
On top of all the snow (18+ inches at the Stalker household!) it was also Daylight Saving Time. I can’t be the only one still recovering. Preach Sen. Myers, preach!
Tell me you don’t have young children without telling me you don’t have young children.
It seems Sen. Kawasaki was already having some memory issues before Daylight Saving Time. Not only did he post his Happy Veterans Day tribute on Halloween, he then commented that he meant to post it “tomorrow” which was 11/1. Scott – Veterans Day is 11/11. 🤦🍻
So thankful that independent fact-checkers are working hard to flag this misattributed quote blatant lie Sen. Bill Wielechowski posted in 2018.
Could you imagine if this happened during peak SB91 days? Not every day you have a candidate for office calling for hangings! Now that is loose.
I am certain Geran isn’t the only one that prays for a silent toot during their Zooms. 🤣
Sen. Revak has been hitting up the awards banquet circuit lately. As one tipster noted: “Look, Josh is dressing like Don Young now!” It is a lovely bolo tie. You know what they say, dress for the job you want not the job you have! 👀
AQD is a good friend. Hey Austin, can the Stalker put in a Trader Joe’s order for next time? It’s the cookie butter and umami seasoning for me. 😋
There was lots of redistricting drama this week. Now that things are settled legislators are speaking out and making moves. How insensitive of Forrest. His pal Harriet doesn’t believe the lines ended up “fairly reasonable.” Zack vs. Harriet? 🔥🔥🔥
I just wanna know which district Dustin Darden lives in now. OMG Darden vs. von Imhof vs. Costello. LOOOOOSE AF.
That’s one way to deal with it…
And pretty much everyone is considering a run for Senate. 🥳 This election season is going to be absolutely wild.
Looks like Rep. McKay is considering a run for the Senate. He’s in the new Senate district with Sens. Costello and von Imhof. #akleg pic.twitter.com/WT0Do6ScK1
— The Alaska Landmine (@alaskalandmine) November 11, 2021
I have a contender for my favorite political logo of the season: Independent Jennifer Sonne running for State House.
I just love her 100% totally independent spirit! Wait a minute! 🤔
Spotted in the Alaska Airlines Lounge: U.S. Senate Candidate Kelly Tshibaka making calls and inviting people to her Mar-a-Lago fundraiser.
Spotted on Twitter:
Spotted at a local gym: Assembly member Kameron Perez-Verdia getting very close to a personal trainer. Maskless, natch. Stay safe, Kameron!
Sent via Stalkermail:
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