Welcome to this special edition of the Alaska Stalker, a lighthearted round up of the best and worst of Alaska’s social media landscape.
The June 1st candidate filing deadline has passed. There are A LOT of new faces. Many old friends. Several last minute surprises. And, how many former staffers are running? 6? 7? I’ve lost count. I received so many screen shots and tips this week I thought it would be best to put together a quick column to introduce everyone to the new cast of characters.
Thank you to everyone who sent in tips. If you have a screen shot or something to share, FB message the Alaska Stalker, slide into my Twitter DMs or email me at akstalker@alaskalandmine.com. As always, thanks for reading!
Day one of being Facebook friends with Doug Massie and OMG. Absolute legend. 😻😻😻
Massie has already got his first campaign ad up. His logo is pretty good, too.
Former legislative aide Drew Cason also has a high energy ad up. Can’t wait to see his campaign logo.
There’s something I find fascinating about local campaign signs and logos. Not sure if Louie Flora will make my top 10, but he’s certainly chosen a color that sets him apart: forest green. Oh Lordy, aren’t there already enough Forrests in this election?
Donna Mears went with the predicable white and blue with a gold star motif. Not bad, but definitely not memorable.
Newcomer Caroline Storm in District 10 went full Hunger Games mode this election cycle. May the ranked choice odds be ever in her favor!
Nate DeMars updated his profile pic just in time for election season. How to dress like an Alaska politician 101:
✅ Beard
✅ Bolo tie
✅ Alaska pin
✅ American flag pin
Nate understood the assignment.
Fire Grier?! Ouch. That is so perfect it hurts. Please, no one tell Karen Perry.
Fairbanks candidate Kelly Nash seems overly preoccupied with Anchorage. I guess she’s been courting the coveted Dustin Darden endorsement hard. Is there a tin foil hat emoji? I have a feeling we’ll be hearing a lot about Kelly this election cycle.
Former Rep. Wool staffer Ashley Carrick waxed poetic about the end of the 32nd Legislature. What a difference a week makes! I’ve been trying to come up with a slogan that can match her former boss’ epic “vote Wool no bull.”
Vote Ashley, not rashly?
Vote Carrick, not generic?
Vote for Carrick, she’s not Kelly Merrick?
I know, it still needs some work… 🤷
Now for some familiar faces… Alyse is back on the ballot and back on the scooter! She’s like a cool version of Liz Vazquez. And with the price of gas these days, why not?
Jay “Forrest” McDonald is also back in the ring. With a new name, a new pilot’s license, a viral You Tube video (almost 400k views!), a flock of chickens, and now two rescue squirrels, it seems he’s been spending way less time trolling people on the internet and more time living life and doing cool stuff. 👍
Style icon Cliff Groh is keeping it tight, especially in Government Hill. We hear it’s nothing but Groh signs over there. It’s his double breasted campaign buttons for me.
I hope Lyn’s hammie and quads aren’t walking and knocking on JBER. That would be a no no.
In Eagle River it’s a former Rep. show down. I have missed Dan Saddler’s songs and happy-go-lucky attitude. Even his anti-Biden comment is low-key nice.
Sharon Jackson’s going to give Dan a run (on the right) for his money. AGRESSIVE profile pic update. And her official campaign page, too. 🔫🔫🔫
Jennie Armstrong looks like a lot of fun. Definitely a cool mom. But, can I get a fact check for this Tweet? 🧐 I know of more than one.
Either way, having your kiddo dress up as a tiger during your “I filed” photo op is AWESOME. Called it. Total cool mom. 🐯🧡 For the record, I would never comment about Jennie’s well-known husband. Or her amazing boots. Are those snake skin? 🔥
Candidate Forrest Wolfe seems to have deleted or deactivated his social media. 🤔👀 Hope to see him back online soon!
Well blimey and blow me down, Libertarian candidate Mikel Insalaco pledges to protect the people’s booty from scallywags, plunderers and landlubbers. Shiver me timbers! 🏴☠️
Alaska Independence Party candidate Tim Huit is now running as an Independent. Huit says it better reflects his values. If you want to learn more about Huit’s values, I highly suggest checking out his Court View records. Yikes! 😱
There ya go, folks. Perennial candidate David Nees finally found “the one.” Thank you Rep. McKay for making this happen. #hero
Now THAT’s a jacket. IYKYK.
Just days after the filing deadline and candidates are already strategizing and talking about consolidating. Who’s going to drop out – Tuck or Josephson??? 😨
Jennifer Sonne became one of the first candidates to announce she’s dropping out. I wonder who called her. She’s still trying to blame anyone but herself for her… interesting campaign choices. After she announced her withdrawal, Sonne briefly changed her official *CAMPAIGN* Twitter account to @jenn_says_fucku and her name to Jenn says FU JL. AKA Jeff Landfield. Her bio? hey JL can go F himself. Seriously. I’m not making this up. #unhinged
If you haven’t already seen it, don’t miss the Alaska Landmine discuss Alaska’s 40 upcoming Alaska House races with panelists Sen. Bill Wielechowski (D – Anchorage) and political consultant Matt Shuckerow.
Spotted at Arctic Roadrunner on a sunny afternoon: Sen. Elvi Gray-Jackson.
Spotted going door-to-door in South Anchorage, with a sunhat on for full sun protection: Former Sen. Cathy Giessel.
Spotted making a three-year-old’s day: Rep. James Kaufman replacing my kiddo’s broken “official Rep. Kaufman” swag tape measure for a new, non-broken one.
The Alaska Stalker was born and raised in Alaska. She lives bear free in South Anchorage with her husband and three kids five and under. She is not Jeff Landfield.
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Ann Hogan
2 years ago
JL is a stud
2 years ago
Sonne is a kook. California style.
Creepy Stalker Vibe
2 years ago
I mean, let’s face it, Jeff mos def gives off a creepy, stalker vibe,
2 years ago
Not familiar with Caroline Storm….. but anyone that has spent time on a commercial vessel knows that bird on her sign is called a Storm Petrel……
Last edited 2 years ago by Coolbreeze
2 years ago
The Logo/Yard sign you posted for Louie Flora’s campaign was a preliminary design, probably wouldn’t make many peoples list. Didnt even realize that was still on the internet. Luckily his actual logo is quite nice and maybe stands a chance at your top ten. go to Floraforhouse.com and check it out.
Sonne is a kook. California style.
I mean, let’s face it, Jeff mos def gives off a creepy, stalker vibe,
Not familiar with Caroline Storm….. but anyone that has spent time on a commercial vessel knows that bird on her sign is called a Storm Petrel……
The Logo/Yard sign you posted for Louie Flora’s campaign was a preliminary design, probably wouldn’t make many peoples list. Didnt even realize that was still on the internet. Luckily his actual logo is quite nice and maybe stands a chance at your top ten. go to Floraforhouse.com and check it out.