Welcome to this edition of the Alaska Stalker, a lighthearted round up of the best and worst of Alaska’s social media landscape.
If you enjoy the Alaska Stalker, please consider supporting working moms like me by sending in hot tips, screencaps, overheards, and spotted ins. You can reach me at akstalker@alaskalandmine.com. As always, thanks for reading.
Well stop y’all spittin’ – Al Gross is quittin’! Talk about tweets that didn’t age well.
Who’s going to break the news to Andrew Yang?
The last I heard Al was at the local brewery and there’s been nothing on his social media since. Did he go on a bender? I want whatever that bartender was serving him! 🍻😉
Let’s take a moment to appreciate my favorite “Gross out” tweets. Goodbye for now, Bear Doctor! ✌️
Where are all those Gross votes going to go? Sarah Palin has welcomed them with open arms and a photo of her 🍑.
Just like that, a new “politician wears Carhartt” genre was born: the Carhartt butt selfie. I’m just glad Sara was the first one to do it and not Al. Gross!
As for Mary Peltola: one millionaire down, two to go. 💁
Don’t miss the Alaska Landmine’s recent podcast with Mary and her campaign manager Kim Jones. Always fun to catch up with the candidates. Will Sarah be on next???
Check out the latest podcast with Democratic U.S. House candidate @MaryPeltola and her campaign manager Kim Jones. Listen to Mary talk about why she decided to run for Congress and her dad's longtime friendship with Don Young. #akleghttps://t.co/yTMvIicrOQ
— The Alaska Landmine (@alaskalandmine) June 25, 2022
Can they at least try to make it sound like Gov. Mike Dunleavy writes his own Facebook posts? I keep trying to picture big Mike saying “tip o’ the cap” and 😂😂😂 Sounds more like Radio Dave to me. The like from “Alaska Timber Essential Oils” is icing on the cake.
Mike may not write his own stuff but, unlike his opponent Christopher Kurka, at least he can finish a sentence. Let me take a stab at it.
Is it:
The unequivocal value of every imbecile?
The unequivocal value of every iguana?
The unequivocal value of every itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini?
I sure hope he updates it ASAP. I’ve thought of every individual “I” word I can think of and nothing fits. 🙃
Charlie Pierce is a vibe. When he’s not sharing inspirational quotes, he’s posting videos of Celine Dion TV specials. Someone sent me this link and, not going to lie, I watched every second. Therewere moments of gold and therewereflashesoflight. Bravo, Charlie.
Is team Pierce/Grunwald about to get the coveted Lily the Alaskan Mermaid endorsement? 🧜♀️
TIP OF THE CAP to team Walker/Drygas for this amoosing photograph. Best #bigwildlife shot I’ve seen so far this campaign season.
Suzanne, you’re supposed to send the spotted ins to me! I guess this was the big joke at the last Anchorage Assembly meeting. If I had a dollar for everyone that sent in the overheard “I can’t believe Santa beat Chris Constant and/or Josh Revak” I’d be able to buy at least a half tank of gas.
As expected, Assembly member Jamie Allard joined in.
But Amy, too?!!! Daaaaang. I don’t think that former friendship is salvageable.
The Bronson administration was involved in another controversary this week: they *didn’t* remove the historical Rainbow Stairs at the AHD building. But, you know, someone on Twitter said they might. After a 1/10 thread, many likes and retweets and a reporter reaching out to cover the non-story, Bronson’s Chief of Staff Alexis Johnson literally joined Twitter for the first time to set the record straight. Did the original poster apologize for spreading dangerous misinformation or remove the tweet? Of course not! And check out Alexis’ Twitter handle – AlexisforAK. Is some-chief-of-staff considering a future run for office????? 👀
The picture may speak for itself, but those comments are 👀🔥
I’m sure going to miss Sen. Peter Micciche. I can’t be sure, but I suspect he’s the only legislator that currently has a dog named after him. No, the dog isn’t just named Peter. His name is Peter Micciche. OMG. They even have matching beards! You cannot make this up. Reading further, apparently this is the second dog named Peter Micciche that we know of. Peter Micciche is such a good boy!
My name is the Alaska Stalker and I approve everything about this message!
With the mama moose endorsing Walker/Drygas, a mermaid at a Pierce event and a dog named Peter Micciche, it’s already been a heavy animal/mythical beast week. Then someone showed me a photo of Rep. Kelly Merrick kissing a goat. 💋🐐
If you thought that was my best goat/politico content this week, you’d be wrong. May I present Tuckerman Babcock “liking” a post featuring several close up photos of engorged goat teats and the phrase “look at the pictures to see her amazing milking lines!” Tuckerman is this week’s GOAT. 🙈🤣🤣🤣
Totally normal in comparison, Donna Mears posted over 20 selfies at once to her official campaign page this week. Looking good, Donna!
Rep. Mike Cronk also went and posted a full photo gallery. But with one important and LARGE addition. HOLY MOLY! 🐻😮
Forrest “Jay” McDonald had my favorite door knock so far of the season – The Alyse Galvin RV! Wait a minute… That’s not Alyse’s house. Why is the RV there? Who answered? Did they offer him lemonade? And why on earth did they take her giant yellow blazer wearing headshot off the side of the RV? Inquiring minds need to know.
Speaking of headshots, it seems Jennie Armstrong is going to fill Rep. Sara Rasmussen’s high heels shoes quite well. 💅
Next year is going to be wild. So many millennials (and at least two Gen Z) running for office and doing stereotypical millennial things. Like answering constituent emails while listening to video game music. Just like Bert Stedman and Bryce Edgmon, right?! 🎵”For the times they are a-changin'”🎵
Reading and responding to constituent emails while listening to "Relaxing Music from Nintendo 64 Games." Reminded again how excellent the title theme was for Majora's Mask, which I never even played, but still evokes feelings of nostalgia.
I blame the Alaska Landmine election live streams and the Dan Fagan Show equally for this.
Just in time for Pride Month, Motley Moo Creamery launched its fabulous Crude Oil flavor to celebrate the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System. 🧐 Not sure they’re doing it right.
If you want to be a little more inclusive, might I suggest Wild Scoops. They’ll be celebrating Pride Month with a rainbow of flavors and a fundraiser through June 27th. 🏳️🌈🍦
Sent to the Stalker: The Bartlett Club being very Bartlett Cluby.
Spotted at the most recent South Addition Community Council meeting: soon-to-be former Sen. Tom Begich elected as an at-large member of the South Addition Community Council. Five people ran for three at-large seats. Assembly Member Chris Constant made a Survey Monkey link for voting members to vote in a “ranked choice system.” Unlike our current system, the SACC was able to announce a winner in a matter of minutes (not weeks, or months) and without any lawsuits. Tom was elected the highest ranking votes at 38% of the total.
Spotted at the SB 9 bill-signing celebration (AKA Peter Micciche’s 10-year-journey Title 4 rewrite) at O’Malley’s on the Green: Spohnholz, Tuck, Fields, Gray-Jackson, McCarty, Cronk, Revak, Begich, Reinbold, Schrage, Tarr, Kaufman, Rasmussen, Holland and of course Micciche and the Governor.
Also spotted at O’Malley’s on the Green: Jesse Bjorkman AND Tuckerman Babcock – both clearly campaigning.
Spotted going into the Atwood building twice so far this month: Sen. Tom Begich.
Spotted today at Jackie’s Place: Mayor Dave Bronson.
Spotted peddle biking around the district with campaign signs affixed to his bike: Rep. Laddie Shaw.
Spotted walking the entire Colony Days parade route in Louis Vuitton heels: Sarah Palin. Even Tshibaka wore sneakers.
Sent to the Stalker: Nick is a Dick should be a sign. I’d put it in my yard. 🙊
Spotted in South Anchorage one day last week and Midtown the next day: Americans for Prosperity door knocking for Nick Begich. They’ve been to my door twice in a month!
Overheard: I think I’m just going to write in Pollock for Congress.
The Alaska Stalker was born and raised in Alaska. She lives bear free in South Anchorage with her husband and three kids five and under. She is not Jeff Landfield.
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2 years ago
I’d say don’t quit your day job but I’m betting you’re just as awful at that
I’d say don’t quit your day job but I’m betting you’re just as awful at that
I’m a stay-at-home-mom. Thank for reading!
If you want to meet candidates and government officials, heed over to International house of hot dogs. There always seem to be some hanging around.