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We Build Alaska

The Alaska Stalker – July 10, 2021

Welcome to this edition of the Alaska Stalker, a lighthearted round up of the best and worst of Alaska’s social media landscape.


If you enjoy the Alaska Stalker, please consider supporting working moms like me by sending in hot tips, overheards, and spotted ins. You can reach me at As always, thanks for reading.


Last weekend was a major holiday.  Did Sen. David Wilson post a Boomer meme? You betcha! His 4th of July post had some BBE (Big Boomer Energy). It’s no wonder I always forget he’s Gen. Y. Until Labor Day, David.


In a scant few weeks Rep. Grier Hopkins has already achieved peak #girldad status:

✅ Goofy, embarrassing dad outfit

✅ Posing with girl (and boy) icon, Molly of Denali

✅ Marching with said baby in her first 4th of July parade


If you put your ear to Rep. Cathy Tilson’s profile pic, you can faintly hear Toby Keith’s “Courtesy of the RedWhite and Blue” playing on repeat. 

Some traveled to exotic locations, others spent time relaxing with friends, family, or even taking in a baseball game. I’m betting only one had to work. A special Stalker shout out to Sen. Robb Myers. #citizenlegislature LOL, yeah right. Hope you’re listening to some quality podcasts on the way to Prudehoe, Robb. I highly recommend Landmine Radio’s recent podcast with Sen. Lisa Murkowski.


Leave it to Sen. Josh Revak to achieve a patriotic bingo (veteran, visiting Mt. Rushmore, on 4th of July) and then run into a buddy and fellow service member. Watch his video for a positive message and a reminder of how small our world really is.


Uh oh. Sen. Elvi posted one of her fireweed glamour shots. You know what this means: only six more weeks of summer. Too soon, Elvi. Too soon!


While the session didn’t bear much fruit, I’m looking forward to seeing our legislators/urban farmers post about their harvests as fall approaches. David’s strawberries are almost as lovely as the comment vanmannvan left for him. 😮


Sure, Alicia Silverstone hiked Flat Top, but did you catch Adam Carolla’s anti-Alaska Airlines rant on his podcast last week? It’s a must listen!


🚨 PAGING SEN. LORA REINBOLD! 🚨 I think I have found the celeb ally you’ve been searching for. While it sounds like Adam was more offended he didn’t get first class than having to wear a mask, it’s a start. Not sure if Lora will be on board with adopting Adam’s phrasing of calling them weak a$$ pu$$ies. But, you never know.


Representative Dr. Liz Snyder is looking for…. a doctor. 🙃


Shout out to Rep. Matt Claman and his constituent birthday card outreach program. Either I am just a little peanut butter and jealous, or Roger and James are slacking.


Rep. DeLena Johnson’s husband looks THRILLED that she’s home! 🤣 (I kid, I kid.)


I guess Rep. Rasmussen really needs that per diem. 😂🤑 That comment from Lesil tho…


I came for the Stieren/Smolden bromance, but I stayed for Rep. Laddie Shaw’s truly epic pun on brief at ease.


Is Rep. Zack Fields available for some babysitting? Yeah, it’s a sick burn and all. But, 1 and 3 and hardly any tantrums? Sounds a little farfetched. Zack, if you’re telling the truth quit your day job and write a parenting book ASAP.  You’ll be a millionaire overnight!



Not sure what is more aggressive: Rep. Schrage’s giant bolo tie or Rep. Hopkin’s photo bomb.


Calvin, please tell me your wore your new bolo tie to watch your dad get sworn in as Fire Chief. Congratulations! Bet it’s nice having him in Anchorage.


It’s official! Dave Bronson has been sworn in as Anchorage’s mayor. Not sure if I’m reading into things too much but what’s up with Assemblymember Jamie Allard’s bizarre laugh react to Dave Bronson’s first mayoral profile pic update?



Maybe Jamie’s just upset she didn’t get a front row seat at the swearing in ceremony and had to sit with Assemblymember John Weddleton. You know who did have front row seats at the Mayor’s table? Suzanne LaFrance and Christopher Constant. 👀💅



If you missed Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson’s list of appointees, here it is. Some longtime favorites in there – and potential Stalker content goldmines. Keep those tips coming! 👀


First, he’s sour…


Then, he’s sweet. Shout out to Assemblymember Christopher Constant for sticking up for his friends, no matter what side of the political aisle.


OMG, Ben. My DMs are open! The public has a right to know!



🎶 Oops, he did it again. 🎶 Much to my chagrin, Assemblymember Meg Zaletel has been off social media for months. As her recall heats up, lots of folks have been publicly supporting her on Twitter, promoted her donation page and recent virtual fundraiser. Unfortunately, Rep. Zack Fields didn’t get the no social media memo and tagged @megzaletel in his post. While she hasn’t been active since 2013, those old tweets are a DOOZY.


The last tweet Meg posted is about underemployement (is this foreshadowing? You can’t make this up, folks!) but two tweets below that she uses the phrase “mother fuc*er.” LOL. How stateswomenly. Thanks, Zack for bringing this to everyone’s attention! You might want to send Meg some nice sweatpants as an apology.


I wouldn’t worry too much, Meg. With amazing supporters on your side who call folks by the harmful and stigmatizing word “crazy” as well as telling them “I hope you die of COVID,” I think you’ll breeze through this recall. #thebestpeople


Can’t we take a page out of the Valdez City Council’s playbook? Instead of all these pointless recalls, why not get the Anchorage Assembly together for a community wide dunk tank. Between Meg, Felix, Chris, and Jamie we could probably raise enough money to lower property taxes demolish the Girdwood Hand Tram and add a bridge without using $700,000 of the people’s tax dollars! Check out the suit on Valdez Council Member Dawson Moore. Very dapper.🤵 What a fun event!


Speaking of the Hand Tram, former politico and internet troll, Forrest “Jay” McDonald, has refocused his energy for good and is now a hand tram activist. If you want to try to save the Girdwood Hand Tram, or if you feel like reading an epic rant, click here. I must admit I’m pretty bummed it’s gone. Always pictured taking my kids there. First Portage Glacier receded. Now the hand tram’s closed. What’s next? Are they going to finally make Diamond Jim take down their T-Shirts, panties, hardcore Alaskan Gifts sign down? SAD!


We are all Brad Keithley.

Hey Kathy, you filed to run for Assembly a couple weeks ago. Might wanna change that bio, girlfriend!




Yay fir Wasilla, but double yay fir the Stalker!



Hat tip to Sen. Dan Sullivan for the 10/10 constituent outreach. I lived in the heart of Spenard for almost 6 years. Jackie’s Place is near and dear to my heart and will always be my favorite breakfast spot. Does this mean there will be a Sullivan Sub on the menu soon?


Spotted: The Alyse RV headed to Seward on a Sunday afternoon. 🐋


Spotted at a Seattle Mariner’s game: Rep. Andy Josephson and former Rep. Jason Grenn (not together, but they ran into one another!)


Spotted exiting arrival door 4 at the Ted Stevens International Airport: Sen. Dan Sullivan, maskless! (Yes, despite the airport still requiring them.)


Spotted at Side Street:


Overheard in Anchorage: “Which Civil War general is Adam Trombley channeling? That beard!”


Overheard on the Podcast “With All Due Respect”:

Host Andrew Halcro in a Fernando Llamas voice: “But I will tell you something right now my darlings, that Jeff Landfield is one hot, hot potato!”


Overheard in Anchorage:

“Elvi can out bench half the guys in the legislature, no question.”

“Uh, what does that say about the guys in the legislature?”


Sent in via Stalkermail:

“Yeah, like a survey from Alaska Survey Research is going to convince me to get vaccinated. That’s almost worse than Jen Psaki showing up at my door.”


The Alaska Stalker was born and raised in Alaska. She lives bear free in South Anchorage with her husband and three kids four and under. She is not Jeff Landfield.

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