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Kelly Tshibaka accuses Rep. Zack Fields of violating her constitutional civil rights during confirmation hearing

What was supposed to be a routine confirmation hearing in the House State Affairs Committee yesterday turned into some serious drama. Kelly Tshibaka, Governor Dunleavy’s second pick for Commissioner of the Department of Administration (DOA), accused Representative Zack Fields (D – Anchorage) of violating her constitutional rights during a meeting they had last week. Tshibaka said that Fields placed a religious test on her when he asked her if her religious views would impact her job.

As Commissioner of Administration, Tshibaka sets all personnel and healthcare policy for State workers. She has made her religious beliefs widely known during her confirmation hearings. At all of her confirmation hearings, she has spoken about how important of a role religion plays in the life of her and her husband.

Yesterday, when talking about her and her husband’s plans after they met and got married she said, “God really changed our hearts. We are Christians.” She went on to say, “We became pastors and started a church that focuses on developing leaders, healing people from trauma and addiction, and helping orphans, refugees, and survivors and victims of human trafficking.” If you Google “Kelly Tschibaka” many videos of her appear speaking at her church, the Foursquare Church. She has made it clear that her religion is a major part of her life.

In a 2015 newsletter from her church she said, “God keeps wanting me to serve in government.” In a 2002 letter to the Harvard Law Record titled, “The Right Side: Coming out of Homosexuality,” she opened with:

Today is National Coming Out of Homosexuality Day, a day dedicated to helping homosexuals overcome their sexual tendencies and move towards a healthy lifestyle. Compassionate people nationwide recognize this day, rather than the more publicized “National Coming Out Day,” because they want people to live and enjoy their lives to the fullest.

Based on her role as Commissioner for the DOA, it is not unreasonable to ask her if her personal views will have an impact on her job. I spoke with Fields after the hearing about her accusation. Fields said Tschibaka requested the meeting. He said one of his staffers and the legislative liaison to the DOA were also in the meeting.

Fields said he asked about her views on homosexuality and commented that they seem to be linked to her religious views. He said he then asked her if she can separate her personal religious view on homosexuality form her work as a manager of a very diverse workforce. He said that she responded, “Yes,” and explained how. Fields said he was planning on voting for her based on the answer she gave, even though he personally doesn’t agree with her views. He felt her answer about separating her personal views from her job was reasonable.

Fast forward to the confirmation hearing. Her opening statement started out very normal. She talked about her family, her work history in the federal government, and her church. Then things took a strange turn. She said, “In preparing for these confirmation hearings, I’ve had the opportunity to meet with members of the committees ahead of time,” she went on to say:

The majority of these meetings have been enjoyable and productive. However, in my meeting with Chairman Fields, he asked me questions related to my religious beliefs, like how I would express my Christian faith at work, how my Christian faith would affect my implementation of laws and policies, and if I would separate my faith life from my work life. He told me to be able to answer these questions at the hearing today.

She then went on to talk about her career in the federal government and said she would not have been able to hold the positions or security clearances she has if her religious views affected her job. Then she let loose. She said:

In my last two confirmation hearings before the Senate I was asked if I would have the courage to speak up if I believed our State leaders were heading in the wrong direction. I said I would. And today I am. This is one of those times. The questions I have been asked about my faith are unconstitutional lines of inquiry that violate my civil liberties.

She then went on to talk about religious liberty, the State Constitution, the U.S. Constitution, and Supreme Court cases. When she was done Fields responded to her accusation. He said, “I did ask the Commissioner about her views on homosexuality and her ability to be a manager of a diverse workforce, and I thought your answer was entirely appropriate.” He added:

I was simply asking for you to repeat it on the record to reassure people. I certainly did not apply a religious test or intend to apply a religious test. I guess I’m just disappointed that you’ve made that accusation because that was not my intent, nor is that what I did.

You can watch the entire interaction here.

Fields told me after, “She grossly misconstrued my question. It is entirely appropriate, and in fact wise, to make sure the manager of a diverse workforce respects equality, and won’t discriminate against State employees. Clearly, asking about fair treatment of state employees is not a religious test.”

The interesting thing is what happened after the hearing. Not long after it concluded, Alaska Republican Party and Dunleavy administration propagandist Suzanne Downing posted a story, “The education of Zack Fields: Religious discrimination 101.” You can just imagine what she had to say.

Then, the next morning during a House floor session, Representative Lance Pruitt (R – Anchorage) spoke on the issue during special orders. His special order was “Protected Class.” He seemed to be real prepared for that special order. He called for a deeper look into what happened. Pruitt’s wife, Mary Ann Pruitt, is Governor Dunleavy’s Communications Director. The whole thing feels like a coordinated attack.

After Pruitt’s special order, Representative Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins (D – Sitka) also addressed what happened in a special order. Kreiss-Tomkins is a Co-Chair of the House State Affairs Committee and was present at the hearing. He said he had no awareness that there was a disagreement between Tshibaka and Fields. He said he was completely oblivious to what was about to happen. He added, “There were a couple of bloggers in the audience, which always attracts my attention,” he added, “Which usually indicates some people know things that I don’t know. That something is about to happen.”

Let me be clear on this. I had no clue what was about to happen. I attend a lot of committee meetings, and I happen to be attending that one. I’m probably the last guy the administration would tell about a stunt like this. He also said some committee members had information that he didn’t have that was relevant to her accusation about Fields.

You can watch both special orders here.

Fields told me Tshibaka raised no concerns to him during their meeting or after. I sent Commissioner Tshibaka an email and left her a voicemail this morning telling her I had some questions about what she said about Fields. She has not responded.








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Trista Crass
5 years ago

What is with these Christians just hoping to be persecuted? She is a religious nut job, it’s a fair question as to whether her money hose–excuse me, truly–“ministry” will influence her political decisions, or whether her fundamentalist fervor will influence her work.

My money is on: she won’t last a month. Too soft.

5 years ago
Reply to  Trista Crass

She’s a fake Christian, that’s why, and they’re more plentiful than real ones. Real Christians wouldn’t make an issue out of homosexuality because they would see a human being and not “a gay.” These “Christians” are just as devoted to their faith as members of ISIS are devoted to Islam. It’s fucking disgusting is what it is.

Robin Mitchell
5 years ago

This state is fast becoming a train wreck in slow motion.

More sighing
5 years ago
Reply to  Robin Mitchell

It’s long been this way. You’re just now realizing it with this story.

5 years ago

He’s proven her comments true in his own public letter. I am not sure he realizes he’s confirming the integrity of her statement. “One of the questions I asked her was if she could separate her personal opposition to LGBTQ equality (which appears linked to her religious views) from her role as a manager of Alaska’s workforce, which is really the most fundamental job of a DOA Commissioner….” This is proof positive that he was questioning her about her religious beliefs in relation to her role. which is ILLEGAL. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury… exhibit A. Headlines will read… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Alasie

He was asking her to assure him that her religious views would not negatively influence her responsibility to act fairly and within the law with regard to her subordinates. It is actually proof positive that he knew the letter of the law and he wanted her to confirm she knew it as well.
Your dog won’t hunt as there is no prey.

5 years ago
Reply to  GrandmaTheGrey

there are legal ways to ask that question without calling out religion (or non-religion… Ms. Tshibaka also addresses that). His was line of questioning was (and still remains) illegal. This is clearly defined by the constitution of our nation and our state. Seems reading comprehension isn’t your greatest skill. If this is that hard to understand, then we are at an impasse.

Pressing Back Harder
5 years ago
Reply to  Alasie

You don’t have the right to deny equality, not even under your own religion, anywhere here. Your real name must be “Suzanne.” And I’m holding off on my own name so you don’t murder me in my sleep because that’s the kind of asshole you and your ilk are!

5 years ago

They saw an opposing to turn what was at most an awkward question into a political stunt to distract people from the budget.

5 years ago
Reply to  Joe


5 years ago

Why all these people from out of State?? She and her “pastor” husband collecting almost $300,000 on the dole with this administration.

Deirdre Aldridge-Pope
5 years ago

Just another religious extremist lying about persecution in an effort to spread the false narrative that Christians are persecuted in this country. Just another disgusting Christian extremist deception. They’re so foul, they’ll do anything to get power over people, take their money and force them to conform to their sick code.

5 years ago

thats a lot of hate speech for such a short statement.

5 years ago

This was waiting to be played.