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APD Chief McCoy announced resignation in response to improper demands by Bronson administration, sources claim

In recent weeks, many have been puzzled by Anchorage Police Chief Kenneth McCoy’s sudden and unexplained announcement that he will step down on February 1, 2022, after serving only a brief stint as Chief of Police. McCoy, a 27-year veteran of APD, had earned widespread attention for being Anchorage’s first Black police chief. Now, multiple sources tell the Landmine that McCoy announced his resignation in response to a series of improper demands by Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson and Municipal Manager Amy Demboski. Moreover, the Alaska Landmine has been told of a growing chain of command crises at APD in which a contingent of police officers have begun reporting directly to Bronson and Demboski.

Sources tell the Landmine that McCoy made the decision to resign following three specific incidents:

  1. During the midst of a chaotic October 7 Anchorage Assembly meeting over the proposed mask mandate, the Mayor’s office inexplicably dismissed the private security contractors who help the Assembly maintain order in the chambers. Earlier that night, Municipal Manager Amy Demboski had unsuccessfully attempted to have the public live stream of the event cut. Now, sources tell the Landmine that Bronson and Demboski also ordered McCoy to instruct Anchorage Police Department (APD) officers to leave the Assembly chambers. Sources say that Chief McCoy adamantly refused, stating that while APD could not perform crowd control their presence was required to protect public officials and respond to criminal activity.
  2. During a tour of the Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utilty (AWWU) facility, Bronson and senior staff allegedly stunned AWWU employees when they interfered with or deactivated the system that fluoridates the municipal water supply. As a result, sources say, the Anchorage water supply may have gone without fluoride for several hours. Fluoride is added to municipal water by law. Sources did not claim that either McCoy or other APD personnel were involved in this incident. It is unclear how or why McCoy became aware of the Bronson administration’s alleged attempt to inhibit Anchorage water fluoridation.
  3. Multiple sources allege that Mayor Bronson’s office ordered Chief McCoy to have APD officers enter Anchorage medical facilities in order to “rescue” a man sick with COVID and/or compel medical providers to treat the man with Ivermectin. Sources claim that the target of the “rescue” may have been a Wasilla man named Dan O’Barr. On November 18, a person claiming to be O’Barr’s wife wrote on Facebook that O’Barr was extremely sick and in the hospital. Several prominent Alaska political figures, including Senator Mike Shower (R – Wasilla), Senator Lora Reinbold (R – Eagle River), and Must Read Alaska publisher Suzanne Downing, left reactions to the post. The Bronson Administration allegedly instructed McCoy to conduct the “rescue” at Providence Hospital, though O’Barr may have actually been receiving treatment at St. Elias, a separate Providence-affiliated facility. A source claims that the Bronson Administration instructed McCoy to have doctors, nurses, or other hospital personnel who attempted to interfere with APD’s operation arrested.

Sources tell the Landmine that the Bronson administration’s improper demands were made against a backdrop of a growing schism at APD between those adhering to the traditional chain of command and a splinter group that has begun reporting directly to Bronson and Demboski. One source claims that this splinter group is comprised of members affiliated with Anchorage Baptist Temple, of which Bronson is a member.

The Landmine contacted Bronson administration spokesperson Corey Allen Young for comment on three claims: that the administration had ordered APD to leave an Assembly meeting, that the administration had attempted to interfere with the municipality’s fluoridation program, and that the administration had attempted to use APD to enter a hospital and interfere with patient care. Over the phone, Young told the Landmine that it was a state senator, and not Mayor Bronson, who had been involved in the hospital situation. In a subsequent e-mail, Young responded to all three claims by stating “This is false. This did not happen.”

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3 years ago

Casually & ignorantly playing around with chemical proportions in a water treatment plant can have disastrous consequences that reach far beyond the obvious risk to public health. It can damage system components, including waterlines, resulting in steep costs that are then passed on to the users. Tampering with a public water system is a federal crime that carries a penalty of up to 20 years in prison. If Mayor Bronson is looking for a spectacular showdown with the federal government, this is a great way to get something going.

Last edited 3 years ago by turbodigits
3 years ago
Reply to  turbodigits

The FBI should investigate this.

C Scantebury
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Oh yeah … like the Russia Hoax .. BZLM – Antifa free ride. Hillary – free ride.
FBI …. Forget about it

3 years ago
Reply to  C Scantebury

Weird how they imaginary boogeymen that send you running for the covers are never prosecuted for the imaginary crimes your ilk invent to keep their cockles warm at night. You are not a person of character or integrity. You are a coward.

3 years ago
Reply to  turbodigits

Yes, but if everyone responsible for reporting to the federal government supports the deflouridization ring, no investigation will happen.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sarah_D

floride was falsely sold to people as a health aid,, WRONG,, it was a means of getting rid of industrial waste and get paid for it instead of paying to properly dispose of it,, it is a bi-product of making aliminum,, placement in water systems started in the late 1940’s before people properly researched such moves

3 years ago
Reply to  ddoinit

If you’re correct, perhaps removing fluoride from the water system can be discussed. There’s still no justification for an individual with no water treatment training arrogantly taking it upon himself to change up the chemistry of a water system that serves 300,000 people.

3 years ago
Reply to  ddoinit

Your an idiot. Fluoride is one of the most common minerals on earth. I suspect your research on fluoride is pretty minimal since you can’t even spell it correctly. Its been added to water since the 1960s after finding out that its prevents cavities. Much of your teeth and bones are made of it.

George Cooper
3 years ago
Reply to  George

“Your an idiot.” Hahaha.

- Wallace Close
3 years ago
Reply to  George

There’s Sodium Fluoride which IS a product of Aluminum smelting, and relatively toxic, requiring special treatment to dispose of.
Then there’s Fluorine, which occurs naturally, strengthens teeth and bones but mottles the teeth. Safe AF.

Jim Gordon
3 years ago

other way around.

3 years ago

How safe is F anyway?

Vaughn Wooden
3 years ago
Reply to  turbodigits

Chief Mckoy please find a good lawyer to sue these mentally crippled and social misfits that worship at the feet of that orange retard you once called your president

A different perspective
3 years ago
Reply to  turbodigits

Goodness. Fluoride is shutdown all of time and it is not even close to toxic. AWWU has a written statement about this and how it was nothing out of the ordinary and nothing to be alarmed about. Not just “sources say”. A written statement. Fluoride isn’t put in the water to make it safe to drink. You should spend a little time understanding fluoride in the tap water before making yourselves collectively looking like fickle fools. And if you want to get this sensational about tampering with water treatment, you should be going after the assembly for not listening to… Read more »

3 years ago

Goodness, there’s not a single comment in this thread stating that fluoride is “put in the water to make it safe to drink.” However, it is a fact that randomly effing around with the chemistry of a water system can cause degradation and failure of pipes & fittings, with potential consequent leaching of poisonous compounds into the system. That is how the Flint, Michigan water system was contaminated. If the mayor decides that fluoridation should cease, the proper way to implement that would be to let the water system manager take the helm, not tell the operators to abruptly shut… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  turbodigits

Flint had dead bodies in its water,
Not the same here

3 years ago

Years ago when Ken McCoy was an APD detective, I was partnered with him on an eight hour assignment. I attest that Ken McCoy is a man of total integrity. I cannot say the same of Bronson or of Demboski.

James R Wilke
3 years ago
Reply to  slipstream

Wow, 8 hours. I’ve spent more time with flight attendants and have no idea if they are ethical or not.

Rex Podicum
3 years ago
Reply to  James R Wilke

That’s because they’re paid to seem vapid and empty. Police detectives, not so much.

3 years ago
Reply to  James R Wilke

Wow, you sat in an airplane seat. I worked shoulder to shoulder with Ken McCoy on a double homicide investigation, murderer still on the loose, watching each other’s backs, probing for information.

Go ahead and underestimate me again. That’ll be fun.

3 years ago
Reply to  slipstream

His point is still valid. To assert that you can attest to a person’s true character after an 8 hour one time contact is laughable. I worked for years with LEOs I truly respected in the military only to find out horrible things about them later. You might like him – and that’s fine but you “know” what he or anyone wants you to know from an initial contact in a professional setting – period.

Richie Romero
3 years ago

Wow Jeff.
Another Anamious source?
I thought you did not like them.
Pure speculated rubbish.

Dan Slullivan
3 years ago
Reply to  Richie Romero

You lack credibility when you can’t even bother to use spellcheck, little richie.

James Mason
3 years ago
Reply to  Dan Slullivan

I had to look up anamious to make sure it’s not a real word. Sure looks like one!

3 years ago
Reply to  James Mason

I am not a fan of fluoridated water either. That is why I installed an RO system on my kitchen sink to eliminate chlorine and fluoride. That being said if Bronson opposes fluoridation, he should go through the proper channels of having it removed rather than take it upon himself like a mini dictator.

Richie Romero
3 years ago
Reply to  Dan Slullivan


Bruce Farnsworth
3 years ago

Well, if it turns out that there is truth to the story that a star-chamber of cops in APD who share devotion to a fanatical religious cult have formed to circumvent the normal chain-of-command to report directly to the mayor (any mayor, I might add), then this could turn out to be the 2021 story of the year. It’s certainly, if verified, going to cost some politicians and some cops their jobs. That’s like the fantasy nightmare of people on either the right or the left who fear tyranny.

Ho Lee Fok
3 years ago

You expect me to believe that an acting Mayor intentionally shut off fluoride to the city? For what purpose? My God, this story reeks of a CNN “mostly peaceful protest” story while a city burns. Hilarious!!

Alena Rea
3 years ago
Reply to  Ho Lee Fok

Ever heard of Flint, Michigan? This is not surprising given the cult of trump/QAnon

Ho Lee Fok
3 years ago
Reply to  Alena Rea

Flints Democratic mayor during the water crisis was a Trump follower? Hilarious comparison to say the least. Almost as hilarious as this “anonymous source” story that reeks of a Jessie Smollette MAGA attack!!!! Congrats? Hint!!!

E. Lizardo
3 years ago
Reply to  Ho Lee Fok

The events of the Flint Water crisis were set in motion by Emergency Managers appointed by REPUBLICAN governor Rick Snyder. They enjoyed absolute power and answered to no one except for Snyder.

Son Lar
3 years ago
Reply to  Ho Lee Fok

It’s not a tough leap if you know the people involved. Bronson, his church, and the majority of his administration are anti-vac. Among the anti-vac mob, you’ll also find a long-running conspiracy theory about fluoride in public water.

Ho Lee Fok
3 years ago
Reply to  Son Lar

That may be the biggggggest reach Ive ever seen trying to tie Bronson to physically turning off fluoride to the city. I cannot WAIT to revisit this, gonna be great.

John Neville
2 years ago
Reply to  Ho Lee Fok

The fluoride thing has been around since the 50’s. I can remember when followers of the John Birch Society railed and whined about fluoridating the water and how it was supposed to weaken a man’s ability to produce precious bodily fluids. Probably a Communist Plot, something HUAC should look into. It’s bullshit grandstanding by a faux Mussolini doppelgänger. The purpose? Generation of buzz. The Buzz of Righteousness. The Buzz of Spectacle to Come! You rubes ain’t seen nuttin, yet. Hold my Knob Creek and watch this. There is the hint of Secret Policing here. Extra Judicial Acts, Politically directed. Good… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Son Lar

flouride was falsely sold to people as a health aid,, WRONG,, it was a means of getting rid of industrial waste and get paid for it instead of paying to properly dispose of it,, it is a bi-product of making aliminum,, placement in water systems started in the late 1940’s before people properly researched such moves

3 years ago
Reply to  ddoinit

It’s spelled aluminum; or aluminium. And just because cryolite is Na3AlF6 doesn’t mean that fluoride is used in drinking water “to get rid of it”. In proper concentration it makes bones and especially teeth stronger.

3 years ago
Reply to  ddoinit

What you are saying is total crap.

Desert Joe
3 years ago

What a s#¡ts#0w Anchorage has going on with Bronson and Demboski! Not to mention the renegade police faction.

Some guy
3 years ago

Weird, police love shooting people but as soon as it’s clear they should shoot and elected official they just quit instead.

Art Sr.
3 years ago

I knew at election time I was glad to be leaving Dodge! I was scheduled to move in June of 2021 since March of 2020 so I did not even vote as Both sides were to the extreme and I wanted no part of either!

Lynn Willis
3 years ago

Thanks again Jeff. We need an “intervention” now! An expedited formal investigation by the State and/or Feds is necessary to corroborate this evidence of tampering with the public water supply, ordering “rescue” of a person from professional medical care and attempting to deny the public access to a video record of public business. There is prima facia evidence now that there is a mentally unbalanced person in the position of Mayor of Anchorage, and the situation is being compounded by political parasites who are exploiting this poor soul for motives that are as deeply troubling.

3 years ago

You’ve made claims but haven’t verified anything. This is a lead, not a story.

Richie Domedo
3 years ago

Triple fuck Corey Allen Young

3 years ago
Reply to  Richie Domedo

Interesting that C Young blames an unspecified “state senator” for the (GROSSLY illegal) order to have APD storm a hospital, but then it writing says it “didn’t happen.” Even with this very limited information this is not adding up.

Lynn Willis
3 years ago
Reply to  So....

Remember during the invasion of Iraq when Sadam’s version of Bronson’s spokesperson known as “Bagdad Bob” was preaching a similar denial of facts in the streets of Bagdad while at the same time you could hear the whine of the turbine in an American Main Battle Tank in the background. So now Anchorage apparently has its very own “Bagdad Bob”.

3 years ago

My source says Suzanne D and Jeff L are engaged secretly and are enjoying their donations

3 years ago

Contact outside the chain of command between line officers and the mayor’s office is grounds for dismissal and insubordination.

Art C.
3 years ago

What is disconcerting about this journalistic story, is the lack of anything credible. There is no factual evidence provided in the story, only here say in the form of anonymous sources. No one reading this story can follow up on it to test its veracity. Jeff and Paxson must do better, otherwise, they are simply spreading rumors and here say that can be damaging to some. Trust, but verify with facts!

3 years ago
Reply to  Art C.

Too much common sense exhibited here.

3 years ago
Reply to  Art C.

Art Chance speaking of credibility? Good thing I put down my drink before I read THAT! Art Chance, Florida’s yarn spinner? Ha, ha!

Last edited 3 years ago by monkfelonious
C Scantebury
3 years ago

Are you guys going to retract or correct your
The least you can do… after. 30 years of
Muni boondoggles. Port of Anchorage Construction/. Begich Union 5 year pay deals..
Got a lot on your plate!!

3 years ago
Reply to  C Scantebury

Please see the link that Spartacus posted just upthread from your comment.

C Scantebury
3 years ago

How about investigsting the turn coats on the Assembly.
Selling out Anchorage. Citizen liberties / misdirecting taxes/ & supporting a ASD school
District flunking at every level.

Landfield what the heck you doing mixed up with these guys.?.

Richie Romero
3 years ago
Reply to  C Scantebury

Do you mean the Butt brothers?

Joel Adams
3 years ago

What else have your un-named sources revealed? Pray tell!!

John Doe
3 years ago

Interesting reading … and I live in F-ing Florida.

3 years ago

Bronson should be recalled. Anchorage deserves much better.

3 years ago

The Bronson administration is a criminal enterprise. Is this what has become of Anchorage? Cowards and criminals run the city.

Barry Murray
3 years ago

I was a pre-pipeline snowbird bush prospector who gave an old-timer hunting and fishing license 10-years ago because of infiltration by the “moral majority” into overpaid political positions. I am very familiar with the self-serving bureaucratic ‘DS’ Bronson type where they have done a really great job of destroying the ADL management of small miners claims —in support of foreign financial types from China, Portugal, and “Hasting “dry gulch” Street, Vancouver, British Columbia that spits on US prospectors for not being 43-101 “In Canadian Interests” Bronson’s blustering (making a silly-news splash outside) also makes me question who is paying Municipal… Read more »

John Neville
2 years ago
Reply to  Barry Murray


Patrick Wheat
2 years ago

Unrelated topic: why does the UAA Consortium library remain closed to the public while Loussac library, with reasonable COVID-19 restrictions, has been opened to the public for months?