Short film: Tikigaq – A Point Hope Whaling Story

In March of 2018, I began a series of trips to the village of Point Hope to observe traditional whale hunting. With the help and blessing the Rock Crew, I began documenting what I saw with my camera. It is my hope that the short documentary I produced from these efforts respectfully amplifies the voices of the Alaskan Native whaling community of Point Hope and helps share their subsistence traditions with the world. Enjoy!

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Jerry Hubbard
4 years ago

Elijah and Dorcus are friends of mine. Elijah and I went to school together in Fairbanks. This was a very interesting film and they sent me a skrimsahed piece of bayleen along with a picture of the whale it came from.

4 years ago

Very well done! The drone shots were amazing – the whole thing from narration, editing, music, overall content/culture and videography were a pleasure to the senses. Congratulations on fine work and representing Alaska with pride and beauty.

Cindy Lelake
4 years ago

Beautiful job! Thank you!

Joy Light
4 years ago

Thank you for sharing this part of your culture. My daughter moved to Point Hope to teach in 2019 and we are enjoying learning about the Village.

EJ Lee
3 years ago

Just saw (via Twitter) that a whale was caught and that the community is busy preparing it. Seeing that led me to this. Thanks so much, it was beautifully shot and told.